The Magic, a book written by Ms.Rhonda Byrne. I had finished read it. And I m practicing the loving kindness and gratitude. I had feel some magic come to me.
I wish you can read it and get the magic that what you want. The law of attraction. Universe will hear what you really want. Thanks Ms. Rhonda Byrne. Thank you my dad and mum, my brother and sisters, my dear friends. I feel miracle happening every day now.
One of the miracle things happended.
I was facing the connection of the internet and the hand phone network connection, laptop and hand phone problems for some time.After I read this book, I starting using another method which is say thank you to who ever that related to this matters. I said thank you to the technician, who ever created the laptop and hand phone, deliver guy, who ever to build the cable network, who ever involve in this matters. Last time I only complaint and complaint yet more worst. This time, really change due to I use the words Thank you although I may not meet the person who involve in this matter. Some one just appeared to help me reformat my laptop because of compensated my waiting time for his meet up. The internet line suddenly become strong after I called the Telco, and they reset my network. Already reset many times no use but this time round working very well.
I need to keep practicing everyday. We are energy, the Universe just give what we wish. If we think negatively, He will give us negative result. If we think positively, He will give us positive result.
Thank you Bobo, Thank you who ever in my life. Thank you if you happened to read my blog. Wish you be well and happy always.
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